Summary of Today's Big Foreign Trade Events

Summary of Today's Big Foreign Trade Events

Summary of Today's Big Foreign Trade Events
1.Russia became India's top five trading partner for the first time.
Recently, according to an analysisx of data from India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Russia became India's top five trading partner for the first time, with trade between the two countries reaching a record US$39.8 billion before the 2022-2023 financial yearn has even ended, according to a report by RIA Novosti.
2.Nepal PM: Hope to strengthen trade cooperation with China
Prime Minister Prachanda recently attended the 2023 China-Nepal Investment and Trade Forum in Kathmandu, expressing his hope to strengthen trade cooperation with China and attract more Chinese investment to help Nepal achieve its development goals. Prachanda expressed his gratitude to China for including Nepal in the pilot countries to resume outbound group tours for Chinese citizens.
3.Alibaba acquires UK payments giant WorldFirst
Alibaba Group has now acquired WorldFirst, a leading global payments provider, for US$4.8 billion.
WorldFirst is a UK-based company specialising in mobile payments and cross-border money transfer services. Its services cover more than 200 countries and territories worldwide and its customers include both personal and business users.
4.Maersk launches overseas warehouse rental and tail-end delivery services in Europe and the US
March 16 - Maersk is now offering CN2US/EU E-fulfillment solutions for Chinese cross-border e-commerce sellers.
fulfillment solution for Chinese cross-border e-commerce sellers, including overseas warehouse leasing and tail-end delivery services in Europe and the US.
